
oo bru taw apa i2 wordless wednesday.

ermmm,nape sume update pasal wordless wednesday????..ak lak xthu ape ke bnda nya 2,hehehe...beginner mmg sah xtau pape,huhu....ape lg g r googling....rupe2 nya mngikut kamus google,wordless wednesday atau dlm bm 'hari rabu tanpa perkataan'ak tgok ramai blogger yg update pasal ni start dr mggu lps......kempen apakah in????bla da check it out,bru r ak jmpa ni

on wednesday all over the internet,bloggers post a photograph with no word to explain it on their blog. hence the word 'wordless' title..the idea is t hat the photo itself says so much it doesn't need any description.

rupenya hari rabu kebanyakkan bloggers 1 dunia akn post gmbar tnpa sebarang bntuk ayt,sbnrnya gmbr tu random ,pape jer gmbar,punyai mksud tnpa d trgkn dgn sebarang ayt.....klu ikt pahaman ak,cukup ngan gmbar saje kt da boley smpaikan mesej mnrusi gmbar tersebut.....hah paham daaa....
p/s penaja: jom la like post kwn2 yg buat update utk wordless wednesday kat blog depa...jgn lupa like pge Wordless Wednesday # WW kat fb ....tuk suke2....hehehe..